Sincerely, answer the question about my favorite piece of technology is so easy for me, I have it so clearly and I say that is the computer💻, the smartphone📱 is important for me too, but I was to choose I pick the computer in this moment, if I was in the other context, for example out of pandemic😷, maybe I was to think it more🤔.

Talking more about my computer, I can say that I had it since 2017 and at pass time I was upgrade it, for example I changed it the graphics card and add more RAM. The computer I use for many things, some of those are for the online class😩, play video games🎮 and view series, actually I lose many of my time in the computer, almost every day I’m in front of computer, even I say that every day I’m in the computer😮, but some’s days I’m more time than others.

Really I like the computers and I like know more of the theme that the “normal” persons😅, I refers know more of the pieces of the computers, like the RAM, processors, graphics cards, motherboards, HDD, SDD, power supply’s, etc. If had I a life without computer I feel emptiness😖, but isn’t like there’s no tomorrow, I think that to having the smartphone📱, isn’t a big problem, in the meantime I have one of the those two I don’t believe that I die💀👻.


  1. You know that you have a problem with the computer when you turn it on and you have nothing to do with her, but still, you must to have it on...just in case. (I do this a lot, It becomes a bad habit )

  2. Yeah I agree pc are the best I like know about pc's, I built my own pc, it was difficult as hell xd but the result was incredible, I also spend a lot of time in my pc xd.

  3. Hahahaha I think u need to try something different for entertainment, maybe some manual things, It will make you connect with the environment and with you ❤️, and prevent health problems. And also if something happen to your computer, you will not feel that emptiness :( hahaha like sometimes you could cook something u like, et cetera.

  4. oooow, how interesting to me, computers and all their components really attract my attention, informing me more and more of the things that come out and the changes that can be done for a build. greetings


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