Sincerely I don’t know choose with precision one movie in specific that is my favorite🤔, there’s a lot that I like it, but don’t have any that I say, this is my favorite movie🙃.

Definitely I’m more watch series, either anime or normal series, but if I had to choose a movie that I like it much, I say that is Parasite. Since I’m don’t of see a lot movie, this is one more recently that I watched, really I don’t remember see others😅. Talking about the movie, I can say that the shapes in that tell us the history I like it so much🤩, the soundtrack I say that isn’t the betters all’s, but this keep us inside of tell us, and the actors interpreted very good their characters👍.

About my favorite type of movies, I say that are the that has a mystery for resolve👮, these that you don’t know what going to happen, and is for this that I like it more the series, because in these there are more time where can develop this type of history. I’m so much of see movies that have blood too🩸, type Final Destination and this things🔪💀, and I know that there are many people that don’t like it this type of movies😖, but for my, don’t know, there are something in these that I have fun😅.


  1. I think I had a feeling close to yours, because at the moment I'm more interested in series than movies. I would like to explore for mystery plots as well.

  2. Ohhh Parasite I saw it a while back and found it very good and interesting. It's impressive all that the film tries to convey through the social roles that the actors have. It's a movie that grabs you from the beginning with the story of the main characters. :D


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