When I was a little girl👧, I remember only one thing that I want did, I wanted be a veterinarian🐴, because I love the animals (i'm team dogs🐶). But I really not remember other jobs I wanted do.

The careers that I thought study when i was in the high school are associated with the accounting🖩, I thought continue the career that I as studied. Also other thing that I thought about studied are the graphic design🎨, because I love draw, and the art in general. But even though I love the art and I thought continue studied accounting I not choose some's this careers, because there is a career that have a balance whit this two that I thinking studied, that’s why I decided study architecture🏡.

About my experience at university🏫 until now, I can say that I go to bed very late for some works, but this is because I find it hard be organized😅. Other thing I can say it’s that some's teachers doesn’t know manage the technologies🖥💻 or some platforms and this sometime is frustrating, but others teachers are betters manage the platforms and this balance some the things. About my classmates, I can say that I has a good interact whit there😀, but I miss the moments like the high school😔, where the interact whit persons was different.

I say that my ideal job is a that I can enjoy and a that I have a good interact whit my workmates👍. But that not is all, I would like have a stable salary💰💸, like anyone, and I would like to travel for the world too🪐, but I don’t like the idea of being separate from my family😔.


  1. I miss high school too, I had really nice moments.
    About your ideal job, I don't know why but what you said comes to mind the series "the office".

  2. I'd really like the idea of having a good interact with the workmates, it's very easy that you starts hating your workplace or doing what to do because your workmates, and having friends at the workstation make it really pleasant!!

  3. So true! when you connect with your classmates you can get involved with the classes and improve your confident, social interaction is very important for students now :(

  4. So true! when you connect with your classmates you can get involved with the classes and improve your confident, social interaction is very important for students now :(


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