This week, in this post, I’m going to talk about VHS, yes VHS! Maybe you question why? 🤔And really, in this moment, when I’m written this post I view a VHS, and recording in my computer💻. And more specifically I’m going to talk about a little of the contents of these VHS😁.

I have around of 10 VHSC, that are the small format, and its content is about my family, and have other 10, but normal VHS, that are Disney movies.

The VHSC’s have more 20 years old, in some these I have less one year👶, and others had 4 or 5 years👧. In some these have videos of my first birthday🎂, some school performance or simply moments of my daily life. Others have videos of the vacations in the South of Chile🌄🗻, with my mom’s family👩, in these are my brother👦 and sisters👩👧, also my cousins, uncles and my grandpa. Others appear my father’s family👨, and in these videos, we were celebrated Christmas or New Year🎆🎇.

One of these VHSC specially excitements me have, because appear my favorite nephew (that only have 2 years less me) when is newborn👶, and this excitement me because any of my family have some of my nephew newborn😞, not even some photograph of his.

The VHSC’s I can see it thank to that I bought 💵a “VHSC cassette adapter” not long ago, and don’t regret me for nothing😁😁.


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